I've been a bit lazy about posting lately. The past three weeks haven't been particularly busy or interesting, but I have been a little distracted and when I was online I just didn't feel like blogging.
Some things that happened:
SBC1 and I went to Milwaukee to Boerner Botanical Gardens, then to Southridge Mall to wander. We discovered that the old Yonkers/Marshall Fields/Gimbals building now houses an indoor glow-in-the-dark mini golf course. She pleaded, and I was curious, so we tried it. It was fun, even though halfway through our round we were invaded by a birthday party full of 7 year old girls who had no idea how to play and didn't really care.
We finished our round without incident, then had supper at the food court. We stopped at Borders, and that would have been our last stop before heading home, but I wanted SBC1 to meet a friend first. So, after a lot of texting back and forth, we finally met up. After about 5 hours of chatting and laughing, we headed for home. We pulled into the driveway at 5am exactly, I fed the stallions, and then slept for about 6 hours. :)
On Sunday we went to the Chippewa Valley Renaissance Faire and I got a lovely sunburn on my chest.
The next week I went to help Ken with building the shop at Bristol. I drove down Wednesday afternoon and bummed around Racine for a bit, waiting for them to pick up their other help from Chicago, as they got a late start. I finally decided at around 9pm that I was just going to spend the night at my moms, mostly because it was cold and I had somehow developed a rash/hives like reaction on my sunburned chest. I think it was my sesitive sunburned skin reacting to the fabric softener on my shirt. Whatever, I ITCHED!
Thursday I helped with the shop for a bit, until the itching drove me crazy. I went back to moms to shower and find something to ease the itching. Then later that evening I attended the last ACen meeting for a while, and had a great time as always.
And that's pretty much been it. We didn't go the the ren faire this past weekend, as I still itch and my chest looks awful. I've been a little lax on exercise, but my eating habits haven't been too bad.
Last weeks weight was 180.6, today's is 180.2. Holding steady, but I'm starting to exercise again, so hopefully I can drop down some before the end of summer.
5 years ago