So much has happened since my last post, I'll try to sum it up as best I can.
Sparky (Diadem Sparklette) passed away in December. She was 30.
I attended the Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service (MOSES) convention in February for the 9th time, and it keeps getting better every year.
On the Ides of March (March 15th) at around 3pm, my barn caught fire and burned to the ground. It was a warm, beautiful day so all the horses were outside, the cats were by the house, and the chickens were in the back yard scratching for bugs. But I lost all my saddles, most of my bridles, training equipment, grooming and farrier tools, and so much more. My insurance paid for a small portion of the personal property, but it will pay for a pretty decent new barn. I'm going to miss my old barn, though.
Spring is starting to really kick in now. The lilacs are starting to bloom, the lawn is growing like crazy, the birds are singing during the day and the peepers are peeping at night. I can't wait to get started on building the barn and renovating the house. I've been trying to get stuff sorted, packed and stored, but it's a pretty big job and taking longer than I thought. Soon though, the house will be empty and ready to gut. That will be a very fun day :)
5 years ago