I feel that I got something done today, even if it wasn't much.
After lunch, I unloaded and loaded the dishwasher, folded clothes, ran the washer, hung out sheets to dry, and moved the lawnmower back to where it belonged.
Ken and I went to walk the hop yard, and as we finished the neighbor pulled in with the haybine. We're taking a calculated risk, gambling that the weather will hold for the next 3 or 4 days so we can bale. I only mowed about half the field, mostly the finer stuff on the hill that will dry faster. With the best luck, we'll be able to bale late tomorrow afternoon, but I'll be happy if we can get to it on Wednesday. We'll probably mow the rest of this field next week, and mow the back pasture as well (it's a little behind as I had horses in it until April). I'm really praying for a good harvest, as I'm just about down to the dregs in the loft, and the neighbor has nothing to spare. He does have a back up field that he just rented, but I trust my fields more as I know what's growing in them.
Jac got home from work and stole the 'bine and finished the field (for a city girl, she really likes driving tractors!). I planted some more tomatoes, then sat for a bit and watched Platinum Weddings on WE. I don't know why, but I like the show. Maybe because I'd like to try being a high end wedding photographer or wedding planner. I'm a bit of a chicken though. I just hate the thought of ruining someone's big day.
We rented 'The Seeker' on pay per view, and I have to say I want my $4.00 and 2 hours of my life back. They say it was based on 'The Dark is Rising' by Susan Cooper, but it had very little in common with it. It was a travesty, and not even a really good movie on it's own.
Chores went well. The boys came in with no problem, Never is really being a good boy when he isn't trying to be a stud. I played with Alex when he and his mom came in. He's getting better about picking up his feet, and about giving to pressure. I even managed to pick up one of Willow's feet of a bit, which is good because she really needs a trim. I brought Festy in because he needs his feet trimed as well. Tomorrow should be a fun day of hoof trimming for all!
5 years ago
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