Last night I went to feed everybody, and noticed Sketch standing funny. I walked over to the fence, and he stood there looking at me, a sign that something is really wrong if he won't walk over to dinner. I hopped in the pen he shares with Never (corral panels in a shed with a door to their pasture), and he pivoted on his front end to look at me. I checked him out, and discovered his near front leg was swollen really bad around the knee joint (where the leg connects to the shoulder).
I have no pain meds left, and no liniments. Double crap. So I halter him up and slowly lead him out to the round pen (we had to push him after half way), give him hay, some treats with Rescue Remedy for the stress, and some topical Arnica spray for bruising (it was all I could think of). I decided to wait until morning to call the vet, as they're 45 minutes away and I might not get the doctor I want. I spent half the night trying to search for similar injuries on the Net, and came up with nada.
The vet came early this morning, and after the exam he gave me the news. Sketch managed to break his humerus up by the top of the joint.
We decided it was for the best to put him out of his pain. It was the type of injury that, even if you had thousands of dollars to toss at it, it may never heal. What amazes me is that, even with all the pain he was in, he still ate like a pig and just favored the leg. He didn't whine or complain, just whinnied for his food and company.
So, now he's in a better place, with no pain and all-you-can-eat unfenced grassy pastures, and he'll have a burial place on the hill in the pasture next to Tiara. And a little black humor: he was always trying to get out of work, he just took it a little far this time. (morbid, I know, but it's how I deal sometimes)
Etched n Stone aka Sketch 1993-2008 RIP

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